Accommodations Details:1. Accommodations is chargeable as Rs.700 per person for three days. 2. The teams registered for accommodation will be notified about the arrangements of the accommodation at the earliest via mail. 3. Accommodations offers: A. Registrations till 21st Aug - free of cost. B. Registrations till 26th Aug - 50% chargeable C. Registrations till 31st Aug - 75% chargeable Afterwards – 100% chargeable Click Close OR escape button to close it Close |
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• Represents the particular college.
• Registration and the payment is done online on Synergy website:
• Full contingent team has to be present at the time of registration.
• Only one contingent team will be entertained per college. Each contingent team comprises of a Contingent Leader (CL) and one Assistant Contingent Leader (ACL).
• Only the points scored by the Contingent team will be accredited towards the colleges’ final score tally.
• They do not represent any college i.e., their points are not added to their college(s).
• Inter- college or Intra- College teams can participate.
• Registration and the payment is done online on Synergy website:
• There is no limit to the number of Pre- registered non contingent teams a college can send. However, winners will be awarded with the certificates and trophies.
• No CL and ACL are required for a PRNC team. However the number of participants should fulfill the minimum criteria.
• PRNC will be registered on a first come first basis.
• Participants do not represent any college and registrations are to be done on the day of Synergy at the registration desk of the event
• Points awarded are not to be added to any College(s).
• Inter- college and Intra- College teams can participate.
• OTSE is allowed in following events:
i) Treasure Trove
ii) Inquesta
iii) Pitfall
iv) Stock shock.
The OTSE registrations will start 45 minutes prior to the event.