3 - 4 September, 2016
Shake it out


3 - 4 September, 2016
Electronic madness


3 - 4 September, 2016

Date & Time

3 - 4 September, 2016


St. Xavier's College
Hathroi Fort Road, Jaipur - 302001

About us

The world has grown by leaps and bounds. Our landscapes are expanding and we are conquering both the soaring heights and the gaping depths. But to talk about our growth trajectory in isolation, is only half the story told. On the downside while hopes have escalated, so has the possibility of a holocaust. So much so that we all believe the Mars will be our new residence and also the fiercely opposite fallacy of doomsday. Problems of metastasized at geometric rates and the only way forward is through synergy.
Synergy 2016 celebrates the human ability to cooperate rather than compete, to combine rather than command, to contend constructively rather than counter frivolously. Because when we synchronise, we can be the true masters of our fate.
This year we bring to you a new wine in old bottle. Following the same legacy, the events have been transformed significantly to give you the thrill often missing and wanted in daily life. And as we say it in Xavier’s, Synergy is not a fest, it’s a feeling. So gear up and get ready to experience it.

Be here. Behear. To The finest of minds, On The finest of issues.

Who love Economics

Take a tour of your favorite concept. Again. We bet, economics was never so much fun.

Who don't love Economics

No worries. Rediscover love. Here's some fun for everyone.

All About YOUth

What's life without some fizz? Aaj kuch toofani karte hai!




Round 1

Elimination Round

A situation relevant to Economics will be given and teams with quirky reaction and best solution to the given situation will be qualified. The topic and the rules for the same will be given at the time of registration.

Please Note -

  • It should not exceed 600 words.
  • The criteria for selection will solely depend upon the content.
  • A prototype shall be uploaded on the website to guide the team about the format.

Development Plan

  • Each of the 7 teams selected would represent a developed country.
  • The teams would prepare their country’s medium-term plan with the resources that they have bought from the budget allotted to them. The resources would be invested in production ratios in the 3 major sectors.
  • A prototype of the constructed development plan will be sent to the selected teams for their guidance and uniformity.

Round 2

  • The teams would come prepare with their plan and would be given a certain time for negotiation.
  • The required change (if any) should be implemented in the plan.

Round 3

  • Each team would present their revised development plan in the form of PPT.

Teams are required to carry their own laptops and pen drives for presentation.

Judgment Criteria

  • Integrated Planning
  • Unique Element
  • Feasibility of the plan
  • Sustainability
  • Best allocation of resources
  • Justification & Reasoning about their action.
  • Participants per team-3 to 4
  • Pre-registration required.
  • Registrations open till August 22,2016

Event Coordinators -
  • Unnatee Golcha-9829188743 (unnateegolcha@gmail.com)
  • Samiksha Khandelwal-8290920473 (samikshak02@gmail.com)
Assistant Coordinators -
  • Shubham Saxena-7877025915 (saxenashubham3198@gmail.com)
  • Vartika Tholia-9660970480 (tholiavartika@gmail.com)


If you know who was the second person to land on moon, or who designed the tri colour, if the word alpha centauri rings a bell or you know why sir arthur conan doyle was knighted, you know where to land yourself now! Time to brush up the brain cells and blow the dust from the remote corners as we bring to you the synergy quiz’16. To be ahead of all..you have to know it all. Because the grey matter, matters!

Round 1

  • This is an elimination round.
  • Participants would be required to answer the set of questions provided to them.
  • Questions would be themed around general proficiency.

Round 2

  • The teams qualifying from the first round will compete in the second round.
  • This round will be internally divided into different types of competitive segments testing your knowledge, conviction and of course, synergy!
  • Detailed rules of each round will be specified on the day of the event.
  • Only team entries are eligible.
  • No. of participants-2.
  • There can be multiple teams from a college.
  • Cross college teams are not allowed.
  • Replacement of any participants of the team is not allowed after registration.
  • The decision of the quiz master will be final and will not be subject to any changes.
  • Detailed rules and regulations will be announced on the spot.
Spoiler: we’ll not be the only one asking questions.

Coordinators -
  • Ishita Agarwal- 9413814466 (ishitaagarwal59@gmail.com)
  • Narshabh Ujwal- 8875057264(narshabhujwal20@gmail.com)
Assistant Coordinators -
  • Rishab Gupta- 9001452266(rishab2608@gmail.com)
  • Kushal Khandelwal- 9602901647 (khandelwalkushal1769@gmail.com)


Round 1 - Online Elimination Round

  • Each team needs to formulate a draft highlighting the role of their given committes at the national scenario.
  • Potential of their state to contribute at the national level.
  • The submission date of the draft will be initiated to the participating teams after registration.
The teams will be judged on the basis of:
  • Creativity
  • Uniqueness
  • Authencity of the facts used about the state in the draft.

Round 2

  • Will include a ppt presentation with a round table meeting which will be chaired by the judges representing the Central Govt.
  • Each team will put forward their plans, views, policies and opinions regarding the development model to be followed.
  • Participants will have to debate upon the issues raised on the table and try to convince the judges/Central Govt. to give more funds to their respective states.
  • Teams will be ranked according to the convincing power of the teams.

Round 3

  • Three teams from the second round will qualify for the third round.
  • TIn this round, one participant from each team related to the same committee will frame plans according to the economic situation given to them on their respective states with a national point of view.
  • TJudges will be asking questions and will check the spontaneity of the individuals.
  • TEach member of the team will be judged individually and a team’s score will be cumulative of individual score of the members.
  • TJudgement will be on the basis of their presentation and spontaneity.

Judgement Criteria:

Presentation of the budget will be followed by extensive questioning and scrutiny by the judges and the competitive participating teams. The parameters that will be worked upon by the judges are: convincing power, originality, feasibility, planning and policy formation, Justification, reasoning, explanation and criticism raised.

Coordinator -
  • Isha Ramawat- 8290311861 (isharamawat@yahoo.com)
Assistant Coordinators -
  • Nidhi Taparia- 7568215746 (taparianidhi7@gmail.com)
  • Kriti Khandelwal- 9462595162 (kritikhand@gmail.com)
  • Isha Koolwal- 9799268932 (ishataru@yahoo.com)

Press Quest

  • Pre-registration required
  • Participants per team: 4
Requirements to be brought by the participants:
  • Camera (For shooting)
  • Laptop (For editing the video)
  • Pen- drives

Round 1 - Elimination Round

  • Each team will consist of 4 members. Team members are supposed to sit individually for this round.
  • Each member will be given a news brief-imaginary or real interrelated to each other. You have to substantiate it rationally, mention the backdrop and consequences of it. You will be allotted 10-12 minutes individually for it.
  • The successive team members will derive their subsequent interpretation from the news brief provided to them. It should be in a manner that can be connected to the previous one and followed by the next in a sequential manner.
  • The aim is to have a full fledged interpretation and consequences of the particular incident.

Round 2 - Final Round

  • 8 teams will be selected for the final round.
  • On Day 1, the finalist teams will be given a topic related to any current socio, political, economic issues.
  • 2 teams will be given the same topic.
  • Each team has to make a video on the given issue. This can be shot on Day 1, around the city or amongst the members themselves, but must include at least one guest/outdoor opinion shot.
  • In the final round on Day 2, teams will have to create a panel discussion which will consist of an anchor and a reporter of the same team and 2 counter panelist of the other team which has the same topic. This allocation can be pre-decided by all teams. Hence, there will be a debate amongst the two home team members and two members of an opposing team having the same topic. Likewise,8 panels will debate on 4 contemporary issues one at a time.
  • The video of a particular team will be played when their anchor and reporter are sitting in the panel discussion carrying forward the debate. They have to clarify their stance on the topic with appropriate explanation and 2 opposing panelists have to raise points against them.
  • The anchor from each team has the sole responsibility of conducting the debate in spite of their biasedness for the topic.
  • Further, judges, other teams and audiences will be allowed to question the panel and scrutinize their points.

Judgement Criteria

  • Creativity of the video presentation
  • Clarity and relevance of content
  • Persuasiveness
  • Justification, reasoning and explanations given to the questions asked and criticisms raised.

Coordinators -
  • Sahiba Kaushal: 91-9001299015 (ksahiba296@gmail.com)
  • Richa Charaya: 91-9529597926 (charaya_richa@yahoo.com)
Assistant Coordinators -
  • Prakhar Sonkhiya: 91-7791886520 (prakhar.sonkhiya@gmail.com)
  • Kashish Agrawal: 91-9001187449 (kashish.agrawal21@gmail.com)


  • This is an individual participant based event. There can be multiple participants from a college.
  • The participants are suggested to wear training shoes to assist them in physical tasks.
  • The coordinator’s decision is irrefutable.

Round 1

  • The event starts with an elimination round which will be conducted in the college premises.

Round 2

  • The qualifying participants from round 1 will compete in ability and mental based tasks.
  • After the tasks the last rated individuals will be eliminated.
  • Other subtle nuances of the event will be disclosed on the spot.

After Round 2, the event will take a dirty turn; politics, alliances and vote outs. But hey, let’s keep something for the day itself. All further details will be revealed then and there. So put your seat belts on and join us in this extraordinary journey.

Coordinators -
  • Akshay Jain - 8561972771 (Ak_shay17@yahoo.com)
  • Shefali Choudhary - 8561030474 (Jsshefali19@gmail.com)
Assistant Coordinators -
  • Kushal Khandelwal - 96029 01647 (khandelwalkushal1769@gmail.com)
  • Aditi Batra - 8058807686 (Aaditi.batra1997@gmail.com)
  • Rashi Periwal - 8947011113 (rashi.periwal@gmail.com)

State of the Nation

Round 1 - Online Elimination Round

  • The registered participants will receive a background guide which will acquaint the participants with the topic.
  • After going through the topic,the participants are required to give their preferences for or against the same.
  • Those for, will receive the format and considering that, will have to submit a draft bill on the topic consisting a minimum of 5 clauses.
  • Those against, have to submit a position paper justifying their stand. 
  • Based on their entries, participants will be selected for the 2nd Round.

Round 2 - Final Round

  • Qualifying teams will be allotted real-life political parties and political figures (subject to change) which will be based on the preference they give during registration.
  • The final draft which will be debated upon in the parliament will be put together by the Organizing Committee based on the clauses given by the participants.
  • The participants will receive the final draft 2 days before the event.
  • It will be further discussed and debated on the final day in the parliament.
  • On the basis of the debate among the various parties,the bill will be further passed/rejected in the house.
Notes -
  • The participants are required to dress-up like the respective political figures.
  • Plan of action, judgment criteria and the parliamentary proceeding of the event will be duly mailed to the qualifying teams.
  • 2 participants per team.
  • Last date for registration- 22 August '16.

Coordinators -
  • Riddhi Modi- 9024339313 (riddhimodi54@gmail.com)
  • Ayush Lodha- 9783824391 (ayushlodha23@gmail.com)
Assistant Coordinators -
  • Isha Koolwal- 9799268932 (ishataru@yahoo.com)
  • Nidhi Taparia- 7568215746 (taparianidhi7@gmail.com)
  • Avani Khandelwal- 9636466981 (avanikhandelwal2@gmail.com)
  • Stock Shock

    Most people know how to earn money but stock shock is the platform where you learn the art of making money. Your worth will be sensitive to high volatilities of our mock stock market. Join us as we explore this game of skill, strategy, decision making and luck while taking on the sudden upswings and falls in stock markets. Your individual judgement and core instinct about the future changes of stock prices will have vital effects on your winnings. The one who utilizes his financial resources most efficiently will emerge as the victor.

    The game will be comprised of two rounds (ROUND 1 AND ROUND 2)

    Round 1 (Elimination Round)

    Round 1 will be an elimination round in which all the participants have to take a 30 mins pen paper test consisting of 5 subjective questions (1 case study) and 25 objective questions relating to financial markets, financial literacy and investing & trading skills.

    Round 2 (Mock Stock)

    Round 2 of the event is a mock event in which the actual picture of trading, broking, news flows, company quarter results, settlements, consultants will be summarized.

    Rules & Regulations
    • Participants clearing the elimination round will be selected for the second and the final round.
    • The participants will now be professional traders and will be buying and selling the stocks and other trading instruments from the brokers only sector wise.
    • Round 2 will be of two hours.
    • Participants will be given virtual cash of RS 50 lakhs.
    • 4 types of investment and trading markets will be available to the participants to trade and invest in.
    • EQUITY MARKET - There will be 3 sectors available to the participants for example Information technology, Energy & Power and Banking, and each sector will include equity stocks of 4 companies to trade upon. The prices of the stocks will fluctuate either on the basis of news flows or, on demand and supply mechanism. Trading process will be carried by the brokers of the respective sectors and brokerage will also be charged.
    • DEBT MARKET - This will include some instruments like securities and bonds offering a fixed interest rate and a certain maturity period. Other rules and regulations of individual securities will be reviled at the particular moment. Trading process will be carried by the brokers and brokerage will also be charged.
    • CURRENCY MARKET - This will be including 4 currencies for example Indian Rupee(INR), New Zealand Dollar(NZD), Chinese Yuan(CNY), Russian Ruble(RUB) in which the participants can make their trade. The price of the currencies will fluctuate either on the basis of any news flow or demand & supply mechanism. Trading process will be carried by the brokers and brokerage will also be charged.
    • MUTUAL FUNDS - Participants can also choose mutual funds to trade upon. There will be 4 funds available in this sector for example Blue Chip fund, Mid Cap fund, Dynamic fund and ELSS fund, which would be traded. The price of mutual fund NAVs will be oscillated after every 15 minutes throughout the game by settling the prices of stocks and other trade instruments involved in that particular fund. Trading process will be carried by the Fund house and certain fees will be involved.
    • The participants will be provided with 1 sheet, brokers will be recording all the transactions in the sheet and for the execution of any transaction the signature of the broker would be must.
    • Pre- open session will be there at the start of round 2 in which participants will be provided with timing of the news in the full event. There will be news flow in every 2 minutes and its price effect will be announced after 1 minute of the announcement.
    NOTES -
    • If a participant makes a transaction in a particular stock, currency, NAV, then any transaction in the same by that participant will only be done after 4 minutes of the previous transaction.
    • Brokerage will be charged around 3% and can be bargained.
    • For Mutual Funds, the participants can redeem NAVs after 20 minutes with no exit load but 2% of exit load will be charged if NAVs are redeemed before 20 minutes of purchase.
    • For Debt Instruments, if participant wants to sell their holdings of bonds or securities before the maturity period, the load will be charged around 2% of the amount.
    • Short sell can only be done in equity and currency markets.
    • The participants can take help of the financial stock consultants available there who will be well equipped with the charts and facts & figures of the stocks or other trading instruments that were in news.
    • An advantage would be given to Top 3 participants clearing elimination round in brokerage terms.
    • It is mandatory to utilize your full trading amount i.e. the total traded value should exceed 50 lakh.
    • The winner will be decided on the basis of the maximum trade with maximum profits not the minimum trade and maximum cash.
    • This round will be based on how the actual Indian financial market reacted in the last few months and will include the trading of the stocks through the brokers only not among the participants.

    Judgement Criteria -

    • Each participant should have at least 25 overall transactions and 2 transactions done from each sector.
    • The total traded amount should exceed 50 lakh.
    • The portfolio at the end should be null. If some shares, currencies, NAVs be received in open buy position then they will be sold at the current market price. But if the same found in open short sell position then they would given in auction and around 40% of the total amount will be imposed as charges.

    Coordinators -
    • Vinayak Kapoor: 8430989393 (vinayak4kapoor@gmail.com)
    • Vishnu Rajan Yadav: 8440886162 (vyadav17@gmail.com)
    Assistant Coordinators -
    • Sanket Sadh: 9602480340 (sadhsanket26@gmail.com)
    • Samidha: 8386048880 (samidhaagarwal@ymail.com)
    • Mohit Sharma : 9594513074 (mohitsharma327.ms@gmail.com )
    • Deepak Sharma: 8561908301 (dsdeepak555@gmail.com)

    Treasure Trove

    Catchin pokemon is mainstream!
    Break the humdrum chain and hit the track.
    Unleash you inner ash and go for the chase.
    Feel the rush, don’t slow down your pace.
    Don’t just see, wade down the clue sea.
    Run up the tallest hills.
    Crawl through the deepest tunnels, for your clue may lurk anywhere.
    Every clue is a brain teaser, a cryptic code to crack.
    So undertake the mysterious ride through the pink city.
    Hunt’em All !

    Round 1 - Elimination Round

    • This written elimination round consists of questions which does not require mathematical genius or a book worm, only your street wiseness will take you through.
    • Teams which clear round 1 with maximum correct answers will move to round2.

    Round 2 : Hurdle Race

    • This round combines physical sport along with hurdles and riddles.
    • Teams which completes the task in minimum time will proceed to round 3.

    Round 3 : Clue Chase

    • Qualifying teams need to reach the destination outside the college by solving the series of clues.
    • The team which reaches the last destination in minimum time will be declared as the winner.
    Note -
    • Teams cannot split up.
    • Teams are allowed to use ONLY public transport and no private vehicles.
    • No. of participants : 3
    • Cah prizes worth Rs.3000 to be won.

    Coordinators -
    • Ekansh Garg : 9828254159 (eka_nsh@yahoo.in)
    • Nitika Jain : 9649999727 (nitikajain629@gmail.com)
    Assistant Coordinators -
    • Aayush saxena: 8003722151 (aayushsaxena26@gmail.com)
    • Mohit Jain: 9571573244 (mohitjain2701@gmail.com)
    • Aditi Dembla

    General Rules & Regulations

    General Rules

    • There will be only one contingent per event from one college.
    • Admissions in the college premises will only be through SYNERGY passes which will be given on the day of the event at the time of the registration which validates entry on both the days of the event.
    • Please do not carry any sharp objects, inflammable objects, and /or any other object which is potentially dangerous.
    • Please do not carry any beverages with alcoholic content.
    • Any misbehavior on the part of the participants and visitors will lead to expulsion from the college without any explanation.
    • Anything that can be perceived as being offensive to any national and religious sentiments and gender will lead to immediate disqualification.
    • In case of any damage done to the college property by the team, the contingent leader will be liable.
    • SYNERGY '16 team has the discretionary powers of exempting participants on the grounds of indiscipline, misbehavior or any other in appropriate activity.
    • Eatables are not allowed inside the college campus.
    • All rights are reserved to the college and the SYNERGY '16 team.

    Registration Rules

    • Caution money- Rs. 500
    • Accommodation- Rs. 600 for 3 days
    • Registration- Rs. 250 per person for any/all events
    Accommodation details -
    • Registration till 15th AUG - free accommodation
    • Registration till 18th AUG - 50% off on accommodation
    • Registration till 22nd AUG - 25% off on accommodation
    • Afterwards - Accommodation completely chargeable
    Payment options -
    • Online payment
    • Breakfast and lunch provided on campus
    • Registration closes on 30th AUG
    • Accomodation rules apply only to the outstation contingent teams
    • Pre-Registered Non Contingent (PRNC) teams have to pay Rs. 500 before 15th August 2016. Thereafter, full payment has to be made by them
    • Registration for events having online elimination closes on 22nd AUG

    Download Form B


    • All events will follow the following scoring system :
    • 1st position : 10 Points
    • 2nd position : 6 Points
    • 3rd position : 4 Points
    • For all the flagship events every contingent team will get +5 points. The flagship events are those which carries the max points in the fest. Our three flagship events are:-
    • State Of The Nation
    • कूट NITI
    • The Press Quest
    • The scoring for these events is as follows:-
    • 1st position : 10 Points + 5 Points = 15 Points
    • 2nd position : 6 Points + 5 Points = 11 Points
    • 3rd position : 4 Points + 5 Points = 9 Points
    • In addition to these points every contingent team will get -
    • +1 for registering for an event
    • -2 for registering and not turning up for the event
    • A separate trophy will be awarded to the out station colleges and in station colleges securing the highest no of points respectively.



    Testimonials from participants

    Synergy'15 initiated a conversing conclave on the topic "Will the youth of India be able to achieve APJ Abdul Kalam's vision ".
    Here we aimed to disseminate the ideas of the institution of Dr. Kalam amongst the youth and the roadmap towards holistic development of the country and society at large.

    "Make sure you can live for your nation, work for your nation and die for your nation."
    - Arpit Dugar

    "Problems will always be there, but we can not give up. We have to succeed in the long run."
    - Kanta Ahuja

    "Even a single person is capable enough to change the destiny of his hand."
    - S.S. Bissa



    Event Location

    • Event Location
      St. Xavier's College, Jaipur
      Hathroi Fort Road, Gopalbari, Jaipur - 302001, Rajasthan, INDIA
    • Call Us
      Shefali Choudhary (Instation) - +91.8561030474
      Ishita Agarwal (Outstation) - +91.9413814466
    • Email Us


    Get Directions

    Enter Destination From under Get Directions and Click on Get Directions Button.